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Friday, June 13, 2008

K[p] - Home Track Going Soon

The Go-kart track in Permas Jaya, Johor, Malaysia where I became seriously interested in the sport, will be demolished soon. The so called inner track is scheduled for demolition starting next week.

A short eulogy.
Started using the 80cc 2-stroke fun kart for 2 months, then preceeded to use only the WPP 80cc 2-stroke before they ran out of spares. The WPP is still one of my favs. So I was introduced to the 100cc 2-stroke Yamahas (dont know which engine version was this) before they too ran out of parts and was retired. But I probably only karted twice in these karts. Next up was the 390cc 4-stroke which we are still using till today and coming up next week, we are using these 390cc for the endurance race. In between popped in the so called Road Rats, which are actually 80cc 4-strokes Honda engine, and they could keep up with the 390cc if you drive them well. But if you have a good driver in the 390cc, you would probably lose 2 to 3 secs per lap. But hey, they are RM15 cheaper to rent!

Have not seen the new track in Plentong. Will post more when we do. And this time, we will prob try to name the corners so everyone knows which corner we are talking about rather than, turn 1, 2, 3, S-bend, U-turn etc.

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