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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Stage SKR! are we ready? - jon

beside all the happenings on the track and the time sheets
on 23 June, there was one thing which the four of us had to
it's important somewhat, and it happens when we returned
from our breakfast @ Jusco. while waiting for the rain to
ceased completely and the track to dry out. it did dried out
quite quickly, as there was this bunch of WRX goofs who went
out again and again while it's still wet.
goofs? cos they missed the turn into the track, not once but
TWICE! first, by turning earlier than they should have.
that's fine. understandable, cos it's likely their first. then when
they do the about turn from the small road on to the main road,
they sped away 'so fast' that they missed it AGAIN!

enuff of the goofs. while waiting, the boss invited us to drink kopi
with him. then he told us we should step up one level from where
we are now. i think i have to agreed. to 100cc or 125cc. yes yes,
we wanna go faster!
and he told us, we should have a kart. our very own kart! wah...
this proposition must think liao. and think hard.
continuing, he does have one good very good condition kart which
he will be willing to sell to us at a reasonably price too.
with our own kart we can enter into race in m'sia or anywhere.
we can conquer all the tracks! *EVIL LAUGHS*
ok, i'm being unrealistic and crazy here. hahaha

good of having a kart:
can enter race. can set up kart to own preference (tho there may
be 4 setups.) can push our 'standard' a couple of notches up

bad or not so good are:
$$$ needed to buying, maintaining, racing a kart none of us had
experience in it, so it's very much an uncharted water should we
decide to buy one.
then there's a square peg cannot fit into the round hole. 4 guys, and
only one kart! wat's the other 3 going to do while one is karting?
we will miss the fun of oil splashes, spinning, and crashing!

this may need more thinking. more planning. and $$$
and commitment should we decide on the path.

in the meanwhile, let's look at the generics of what we might be
getting for SKR.

A Formula A kart, with a 100 cc 2 stroke engine and an overall
weight including the driver of 150 kilograms, can accelerate from
0-60 mph in under 4.5 seconds, and has a top speed of 85 mp
(140 km/h).

and why kart is so fun!
Karts do not have a differential. The lack of a differential means
that one rear tire must slide while cornering, this is achieved by
designing the chassis so that the inside rear tire lifts up slightly
when the kart turns the corner. This allows the tire to lose some
of its grip and slide or lift off the ground completely.

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