Had to have some practice run today, so that i can assess if my ribs are better, and yes, it's all good now!

Managed to have Kevin give me some tips, and am glad that i did learn something today. It seems every run I learn something.
At the end of the last run, while i was catching up with the boy, I suddenly felt that I was not able to feel the brakes before the uphill run at turn 4...brake pedal all the way down but it was not slowing like previously... hmmm gremlins of the brake haunt me AGAIN!
Returning to the pit, saw that one of my brake pad was dislodged from the brake caliper. Wat's me and with brake components!

And more scary was that my radiator was pierced by the metal piece that used to hold it upright. Luckily, there was no damage done to the engine. Running temp was still normal.

Looking forward to the next race! When?
Look right....!
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