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Saturday, May 31, 2008

K[p] - Kart Test

Did not measure the cold tire, but hot pressure was 0.7bar, decided to pump them up to 0.8bar (hot reading), should have bumped it up to 0.9bar, but got distracted by improving my driving.

MUST REMEMBER, get my right leg OFF the pedal till I have lifted off the brakes, else I'm going to pay for some EXPENSIVE repairs on the clutch.

Another lesson, the road is very wide, learn to use all of it to find the best line. But always concentrate on your driving doing it.

Today was shiok, had a mini race with Grahame and Tony, on the u-turn saw a gap and tried to overtake Grahame but think I braked till the kart stalled. After starting, realised the front pair is stucked behind a few fun karters, decided to open up and try to catch up and catch up I did! When I caught up with the pair, Grahame spun out and it was only Tony and me, did finally overtake him and it was shiok! Keke...But always, must remember, clutch is EXPENSIVE!

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